
10 Ways To Increase Money Making Traffic to Your Site or Blog

I just wanted to note that I took off my NFO-Survey site. The surveys never came through and the referral programs sucked. I'm still in the air over Creation Rewards, but I'll know more soon.

I'm sure that, like a lot of other bloggers who are up and running, the question most asked is :

How do I get visitors to my blog? After all, visitors = money.

There is no big secret, no one special magic action that you can perform. It's simply a combination of things plus time.

Here are a few traffic generating ideas in brief. They are nothing new, or very clever, but are simply steps to follow to help build up the hits....

(1) Write interesting posts. Obvious, but overlooked. What we need are regular visitors to our blogs, so we have to ask: What will make them bother to come back?

(2) When writing posts use regular keywords, but without overdoing them. This will help, amongst other things, with getting those search engine referrals.

(3) Make it easy for readers to subscribe or RSS your site. There are several such sites you can use (I’ll add links later today).

(4) Use labels and/or tags for each post.

(5) Leave relevant and interesting comments on other peoples' blogs. Preferably those with similar themes.

(6) Join a few forums and enter into or start discussions. Include a signature link on your entries.

(7) Join community sites for bloggers. Bloggers need to get known and their links seen. (I’ll add links soon)

(8) Submit some of the more interesting posts to message boards and forums.

(9) Exchange links with a few good blogs, preferably with similar topics.

(10) Put your own photo and some details about yourself on your blog, to build relationships there has to be a little openness.

I'll stop at 10 but I could go on, there are many others which I will discuss more later. Now mix these up with the time factor. Of course, time alone will not bring hits. It takes positive action as well.

Once you start thinking about traffic it's really simply about getting your blog address seen, clicked on and then trying to turn the clickers into regular visitors. It's not rocket science but, unfortunately, it can be time consuming.


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